Pest FAQ

Our Pest Control Professionals Answer Your Most Common Pest Questions

At Holifield Pest Management, we understand how difficult and frustrating it can be to deal with pest problems in your home or business. We believe that knowledge is the best weapon against household pests, and our goal is to make it easier for you to educate yourself on the best ways to prevent, control, and eliminate them.

Our experienced team of pest control professionals has been helping the south Mississippi residents and businesses protect their properties since 1988. With our help, you can learn more about common local pests such as ants, spiders, termites, rodents, and more — as well as how to get rid of them safely and effectively. We have gathered the most common questions we have received and answered them for you!

If you need assistance dealing with a current infestation or would like advice on preventing future invasions, don't hesitate to give us a call at (601) 228-5344 or request a free estimate through our online form!

  • General Pest Questions

    • How do pests get into my home if I have my doors and windows shut?

      Pests can squeeze through the smallest of cracks, so even if all your doors and windows are shut it's possible for them to get in. Common entry points include gaps around pipes, tiny holes in screens and sills, or any other unsealed crevices they can find. You may be surprised by how many cracks and crevices your home has that pests use to gain access. Part of our pest prevention techniques is sealing off as many of these openings as possible with caulk.

    • How often should my home be treated to prevent household pests?

      We recommend that you have your home treated with a preventative pest control treatment at least twice per year. Regular treatments are the best way to ensure that any potential infestations are avoided before they occur and can cause damage. Our experienced team at Holifield Pest Management can come out and inspect your property and provide recommendations tailored to your individual needs.

    • Why should I hire a pest control company when I can do it on my own?

      DIY pest control may seem like a cost-effective solution, but it often doesn't deliver the anticipated results. Pest control professionals have the experience and knowledge to properly identify infestations, create customized plans tailored to your situation, and guarantee long-term success.

      At Holifield Pest Management, we take pride in our experience, expertise, and commitment to providing you with the best pest control services available. We want to help you get rid of pests quickly, safely, and effectively.

      Overall, we believe that knowledge is the best defense against pests, and we hope this FAQ page has provided you with some valuable insight into common infestations.

      If you need additional assistance dealing with a current invasion or want advice on preventing future pest problems, don't hesitate to contact us today! We look forward to helping protect your home or business from unwanted guests.

  • Termite Control

    • Do termites ever go away on their own?

      No, termites do not just go away on their own. They can cause serious damage to the structural integrity of your home or business, and their colonies can keep growing until they are treated. To ensure that all of the termites are eliminated and prevent them from coming back in the future, it is best to hire a professional pest control company like Holifield Pest Management. We offer customized termite treatments tailored to your specific needs and provide maximum efficiency with lasting results.

    • I don't think I have termites — should I still get a termite inspection?

      Yes! Even if you don't think you have termites, it is always a good idea to get an inspection. Termites can be hard to detect, and many times, homeowners don't realize they are there until it's too late. Our certified inspectors can help identify any signs of infestation and provide a detailed report on the best way to treat them.

  • Rodent Control

    • How do I know if rodents are present in my home?

      The telltale signs of a rodent infestation include droppings around the house, gnaw marks on furniture or walls, and strange squeaking noises. Additionally, you may also find nests made of shredded paper or cloth in dark corners and other hard-to-reach places.

    • What can I do to stop a rodent problem before it begins?

      Taking preventive measures is key when it comes to keeping rodents away from your property. Make sure that all entry points are sealed properly, including door frames and gaps around pipes. Also, keep food stored in airtight containers and practice good hygiene by disposing of waste regularly.

  • Flea Control

    • I used a flea control product from a supermarket and applied it around the house, but fleas are still around. Why?

      Store-bought flea control products may not be strong enough to kill all the fleas in your home. Additionally, if the treatment was not applied correctly or thoroughly, some of the fleas will likely survive and continue breeding. It is not enough to treat adult fleas present on your property — you also need to treat the unhatched eggs. The eggs and larvae make up the majority of the flea population.

  • Bee Removal

    • Is it true that it's illegal to kill honeybees on your property?

      Yes, it is illegal in most states to kill honeybees without a permit. This is because of their importance in pollination and the effect they have on our environment. If you find a bee hive on your property, it's best to seek professional help from a bee removal specialist.

    • How do you avoid and treat bee stings?

      The best way to avoid bee stings is by steering clear of the bees altogether. If you come across a hive, don't try to take it down yourself, and always be aware of your surroundings. If you do get stung by a bee, there are several treatments readily available. You may apply an ice pack or use hydrocortisone cream to reduce itching and swelling.

    • I used a flea control product from a supermarket and applied it around the house, but fleas are still around. Why?

      Store-bought flea control products may not be strong enough to kill all the fleas in your home. Additionally, if the treatment was not applied correctly or thoroughly, some of the fleas will likely survive and continue breeding. It is not enough to treat adult fleas present on your property — you also need to treat the unhatched eggs. The eggs and larvae make up the majority of the flea population.

  • Bed Bugs

    • What is the main cause of bed bugs?

      Bed bugs are typically transported from one location to another through travel. For example, if you stay at a hotel where bed bugs have been previously seen, it is likely that they may have hitched a ride in your luggage and ended up back home with you. Secondhand furniture items can also be carriers for bed bug infestations.

    • How can I tell if I have bed bugs?

      The most obvious sign of a bed bug infestation is the presence of bites on your skin. However, you may also be able to identify live or dead bed bugs, their droppings, and eggs in your mattress seams and furniture cracks.

    • Why are bed bugs so hard to get rid of?

      Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate because they can hide in the tiniest of spaces, making them hard to find. Also, many store-bought insecticides may not be strong enough to provide a lasting solution and sometimes require repeated treatments.

      At Holifield Pest Management, we have the experience and expertise to effectively get rid of bed bugs. We use the latest integrated pest management strategies tailored to your specific situation.