Bees, Wasps, and Hornet Infestations
If you're experiencing a high number of bees, wasps, or hornets near your home or garden, there is likely to be a nest nearby. In the southern, we experience infestations from these insects, and they can cause severe grief. Distinguishing between a bee, wasp, or hornet can be tricky. However, while their appearances may be similar, their behaviors are not.
No Sting Zone: Bee Remediation
There are many types of bees in the southern area, and they provide many incredible benefits to our local environment. However, a nest near your home can cause property damage, bodily harm, and harm to these key pollinators.
Aggressive Wasps and Hornets
Unlike bees, wasps and hornets are significantly more dangerous because of their aggressive nature when disturbed. Additionally, these pests do not die after stinging.
Treatment and Prevention
The first thing to do if you're stung by any insect is leave the area to seek treatment. If stung by a bee, make sure to apply treatment immediately by removing the stinger and using a cold compress to lessen any pain and ease the swelling. Should your symptoms worsen, then seek emergency medical treatment, as you could be having an allergic reaction. Similar to bee stings, if you are stung by a hornet or wasp, and your symptoms worsen, please seek emergency medical treatment.
Holifield Pest Management Inc. can inspect your home and deliver rapid, effective hornet, bee, and wasp removal and treatment services.